Saturday, May 25, 2013

I keep opening up this site intending to start a blog. Then, instantly I forget what I wanted to write about. I have a billion ideas and now, since I am typing this, I can't remember what any of them are. Here's one that I thought was funny. I only remember it because I texted it to a friend. I'm not going to have any children, but if I did, I would name them after the Rat Pack. Why? Because why not? Another one I remember: I saw a little boy in Wal-Mart the other day wearing a Hawaiian shirt and Harley-Davidson jeans. He couldn't have been more than four or five years old. The thing I remember about the kid was that he had the most awesome mullet I had ever seen. It was also the most awesome mullet I had ever seen on a child. You know, you usually see mullets in Wal-Mart but on adults who know that they are getting mullets when they sit down to get their hair cut. This child had no idea he had a mullet. Which led me wonder what people with mullets call their hair style. Are they aware of the term mullet? I hope not. If people stop getting mullets then my trips to Wal-Mart are going to be boring. Anyway--to go back to the original subject, I had to take this kid's picture. He was too fast, though, so I walked away with no Hawaiian mullet picture. So disappointing. You don't know utter devastation until you fail to take a picture of a child with a mullet. I had to tell someone so I texted McKenna, telling her he was too fast for a picture. She offered that he must be hair-o-dynamic. I agreed.

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